Burrows Park Administrator
This person is responsible for overseeing the operations at Burrows Park including:
- Schedule pier-in and pier-out
- Notify Burrows Park users of pier-in and pier-out
- Supervise pier-in and pier-out
- Mow the boat area as needed (club owns mower and stores in the storage shed)
- General boat-area maintenance
- Assess and take care of rail operations break-down
- Order deck replacement sections (for piers) as needs
If you would like to learn more about this position, contact Lon Schoor at lrschoor@wisc.edu or Jerry Simon at simonized13@aol.com. They have held the position in the past and will be happy to answer your questions.
If you would like to apply for this position, contact the board at board@mendotayc.org.