Mendota Yacht Club Reimbursement Policy

The MYC board may authorize officers or certain other individuals to incur expenses on behalf of the club for which the club will reimburse. The MYC reimbursement policy is as follows:

All expenses must be necessary and reasonable and for Mendota Yacht Club usage.

Expense receipts for reimbursement should include the item purchased, and the name and address of the vendor.

Reimbursement for expenses that are already budgeted for that year do not need to be pre-approved.

In general, there are no reimbursements for payments in cash. Expenses for which reimbursement is requested should be made with a transfer that has a record of the amount given (e.g. like check, credit card, direct transfer, bitcoin, venmo, etc.) Two exceptions to that are (1) known cash expenses that are pre-approved and specified as a cash expense by the Board or Fleet Captains or (2) emergency situations needed to safeguard lives or property. A receipt is still required.